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Mayer and Shah Optometry
Tel: (559) 582 9244
Fax: (559) 582-2748
Owl Optometry
Tel: +1 (643) 349-2020
Mobil: +1 (416) 909-2988
email: Owl Optometry
email: Dr. Agata Majewski
Watertown Family Eyecare
Tel: 605-753-3937
Fax: 605-753-0472
Nuero Eye Team
Tel: (817) 928-3337
email Dr. Conley
Neuro-Vision Therapy Institute
Tel: 720-408-1400/
email Dr. Alexandra Talaber
Family Vision Development Center
Tel: 630 862 2020
Fax: 630 862 2027
email Dr. Alia Santoyo-Johnson
Brain Breakthrough website
O: (847) 291-7020
F: (847) 291-7055
email Alice Nixon
West Suburban Vision Therapy Center
Tel: 630-491-4941
Fax: 630-491-8617
Hope Vision Development Center
Tel: (352) 243-4673
Fax: 352-260-0884
email Hope Vision Development Center
Elemental Eyecare
Tel: (541) 323-3937
Fax: (541) 323-3938
email Elemental Eyecare
Downtown Optometry Clinic
Tel: 506-454-4000
Meridian Eyecare, P.C.
Tel: 517-349-4743
Fax: 517-349-0096
Vision and Conceptual Development Center
Tel: (301) 951-0320
Fax: (301) 951-0370
email Dr. Zeller
NSU Florida - College of Optometry
NOVA Southeastern University
Office: (954) 262-7822
email Dr. Sayani
Hellerstein & Brenner Vision Center Tel: 303-850-9499 Fax: 303-850-7032 Email: aelsila@hbvision.net