Welcome to the Syntonic Library!


     “The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to the collective knowledge of the human species. I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries.”

Carl Sagan, Cosmos


 Introduction to Syntonic Phototherapy


 The Journals Of Optometric Phototherapy 


2021 Journal of Optometric Phototherapy

 2020 Journal of Optometric Phototherapy 

 2019 Journal of Optometric Phototherapy 



 Functional Visual Fields by Automated Static Perimetry by Lars Frisen 2014 

 Colored Light therapy:  Overview of its History, Theory, Recent Developments and Clinical Applications Combined with Acupunture  




 Henning The Practice of Modern Optometry

Blind Spot Measurements and Remedial Reading Problems by T.A. Brombach 1937

 The Blue Book 

  Section One – Introductory Materials   

 Introduction – Alex S. Cameron  

  1. The Syntonic Principle – Harry Riley Spitler D.O.S., M.D., M.S., Ph.D.
  2. The Syntonic Principle & The Syntonic Principle(Statistical Data)- Harry Riley Spitler D.O.S., M.D., M.S., Ph.D.
  3. SYNTONIC PHOTOTHERAPY – Ray Gottlieb O.D., Ph.D., FCOVD, FCSO & Larry Wallace, O.D., FCSO
  4. An Outline of The Syntonic Principle – (Spitler) Dale A. Fast O.D., FCSO
  5. The Syntonic Technic of Optometry – Harry Riley Spitler D.O.S., M.D., M.S., Ph.D.
  6. Photo Retinology Light Frequency Therapy – Definition and Effects 1976 – Lowell Becraft O.D. & Charles Butts O.D., Ph.D.
  7. Modem Syntonic Optometry – Raymond L. Gottlieb, O.D., Ph.D., FCOVD, FCSO
  8. Pathways of Light Reception – Jacob Liberman O.D., Ph.D.
  9. History & Bibliography 1993 – Samuel Pesner O.D., FCSO
  10. History & Bibliography 1994 – Bruce Rosenfeld O.D., FCSO

  Section Two – Testing    

 1.   The String and its Application in Syntonic Optometry– Charles Butts O.D., Ph.D.

 2.   Pupils a. Pupillary Responses – Samuel Pesner O.D., FCSO 

 3. Pupils b. The Alpha Omega Pupil – Charles Butts O.D., Ph.D.  

 4.  Pupils c. Diagnosis of Pupillary Anomalies for Syntonics-Dale Fast O.D., FCSO 

 5.  Visual Fields a. Visual Fields – Samuel Pesner O.D., FCSO 

 6.  Visual Fields b. Introduction to Campimetry – Charles Butts O.D., Ph.D.  


 8.  Visual Fields d. The Importance of Doing Visual Fields In The Practice of Optometry by Dale Fast, O.D. 

 9.  Morphological Analysis   

  Section Three – Basic Syntonics  

 1.   BASIC SYNTONICS By Bruce Rosenfeld

 2.   Nascentization 

 3.  Filters a. Effects of Syntonics Filters 

 4.  Filters b. Syntonic Neutralization Key 

 5.   Filters c. Autonomic Nervous System

 6.  Filters d. The Miracle Workers of Optometry 

 7.  Filters e. Filter Combinations 

 8.  Filters f. Individual Filter Information (12 pages )  

 9.  Syntonic Basic Filters 

 10. Functional Field Constrictions with Symptons  

 Section Four – Syntonic Applications  

 The Syntonic Syndromes– Larry Wallace O.D., FCSO 

 Case Studies of Syntonic Syndromes– Betsy Hancock O.D., FCSO 

Ocular Pathology and Syntonic Treatment– Larry Wallace O.D., FCSO

  1. Amblyopia– Charles Butts O.D., Ph.D.
  2. Endocrinology a. The Endocrine Glands– Clive H. Giraud, F.I.O.
  3. Endocrinology b. The Endocrines– Samuel Pesner O.D., FCSO
  4. Endocrinology c. Endocrinology- General Considerations– Larry Wallace O.D., FCSO
  5.  Endocrinology d. Chart of Syntonic Phototherapy Endocrinology
  6. SYNTONIC ADVANCED FILTERS Compiled and summarized from syntonics literature by Ray Gottlieb, Dean, CSO 

  Section Five – Literature

  1.  Syntonics (White Paper) 

2.  Changes in Form Visual Fields in Reading Disabled Children Produced by Syntonic Stimulation-Rocky Kaplan O.D., M. Ed. 

 3.  The Effect of Syntonic (Colored Light) Stimulation on Certain Visual and Cognitive Functions-Jack Liberman O.D.  

4.  Summary of the Practice of Modern Optometry by William Henning N.D., O.D. Summarized by Ray Gottlieb O.D., Ph.D.



 Amblyopia 1937 by Dr. T. B. 

Corneal Scar, Below Pupil, with HazSSy Medi by Dr. Crawford, 1937

Lenticular Opacity 1937 by Dr. H. P. S. 

 Ptosis – Traumatic by Dr. Crawford 1937 

Low Ductions 1937 by Dr. A. R. M. 

Headaches 1937 by Dr. G. P. S. 

Migraine Headache With Eye Pain 1937 by Dr. O. H. S. 

Case report Laura by Shayler 2018 (TBI Car accident -Esophoria)  

 William Fox-Pit by Shayler (Sports Injury -TBI) 



June 1936 Bulletin:  “I want congratulate the Portland group for the fine list of Case Reports and papers they have already sent in.  This means work definietely done, recorded work that stimulates toward greater progress in study and greater ability in the application of Syntonics.:   R. L Cassell, O.D., F.C.S.O. 


1.  The Gonads by Ruhndortf 1936 

2.  A Case of Myopia by Lorens 

3.  Glaucoma by Miller 1936  

4.  Low Reserves 1935  

5.  Opacity by Newhouse    

 6.  Senile Cataracts by Rice    

7.  Low Visual Preception and Diziness, Rt. Dom. by Lorenz    

 8.  Amblyopia by Miller  

 9.  Adrenal Glands by Davies  

10.  Headaches – Reading- by Ruhndort  

11. Pterygium by Salle 1936Inflamed Eyes Apparently “Pink Eye” by Chambers 1936 

 12.  Eyes Tire – Reading A type by Chambers    

13.  Pituitary Glands by Miller 1936    

14.  Asthenopia With Esophoria by Miller 1936   

15.  Inflamed Eyes apparently “Pink Eye” by Chambers 1936  

16.  Exophoria — Fatigue at Near Point by Lorenz 1936  

17.  Chalazion by Brower 1936   

18.  Sub-Normal Accommodation by O’Neal 1936  

19.  OS Blind few minutes each week by Ruhndorf 1936  

20.  Visual Acuity by Newhouse 1936   

21.  Intense Photophobia Combined with Asthenopia by Lorenz 1936    

22.  Exo Patient by Chambers  1936 

23.  Building A Case of Reserves of Accommodation by Lorenz 1936 

24.  Myopia letter from Dr. Spitler to Dr. Ruhundorf 

25.  The Phenomena of Life 

26.  Pain In Entire Right Hemisphere by Lorenz 1936 

27.  Exophoria At Near 3/4 Presbyopia (Sleepy – when reading) by Chambers 1936 

28.  Blur After Reading by Ruhndorf 1936 

29.  Cortical Opacity by Miller 1936

30.  Granulated lids by Miller 1936 

31.  Alpha Omega Pupil by Newhouse 1936

32.  Blepharospasm with Photophobia and low Ductions by Miller 1936 

33.  Hysterical by Keene 1936 

34.  Dacryocystitis by Rice 1936 

35.  Lens Opacity by Salle 1936 

36.  Myopia with Exophoria by Salle 1936 

37.  Hayfever by Babb 1936 

38.  Amblyopia by Babb 1936 

39.  Nervousness by Babb 1936 

40.  Itching and Burning of the Carunculae by Rice 1936 

41.  Hay Fever With Lacrymation and Photophobia by Miller 1936 

42.  Inflamation by Lorenz 1936 

43.  Chalazion by Maulbetsch 1936 

44.  High Esophoria by Ruhndorf 1936 

45.  Low Pulse & Tic by Lorenz 1936 

 46.  Intense Itching & Burning of Eyes by Rice 1936 

47.  Follow-Up-Report on Cataract Case After Six Months by Rice 1936 

48.  Opacities by Chambers 1936

49.  Eye Discomfort and Low Reservesby Chambers 1936 

50.  “C” Type Case by Chambers 1936 

51.  “A” Type Case by Chambers 1936 

52.  Dizziness by Chambers 1936 

53.  Corneal Powder Burns by Maulbetech 1936  

54.  Weak Internal Recti Alpha Omega Pupil by Badynek 1936 

55.  Topia with Amblyopia Exanopsia by Bedynek 1936  

56.  Myopic Asthenic by Crum 1936   

57.  Amblyopia by Dr. Crum 1936 No. 57  

58.  Central Opacity by Crum 1936 

59.  Amblyopia by Crum 1936 

60.  Excessive Lacrymation and Swelling by Miller Scheetz 1936  

61.  Insect Bite by Scheetz 1936 

62.  Infection Right Eye by Scheetz 

63.  Insomnia? Nervous? Indigestion, Low Ductions by Scheetz   

64.  Photophobia by Scheetz  1936 

65.  Facial Neuralgia Accompanied with Eye Pain by Scheetz  

66.  Chalazion by Dr. Scheetz    1936 # 66 

67.  Chalazion by Dr. Scheetz    1936  # 67 

68.  Migraine Heache with Eye Pain  by Scheetz   1936 

69.  Progressive Myopia by Salle      1936

70.  Blind Man by Salle  1936 

71.  Hay Fever by Salle 1936  

72.  Headaches by Salle 1936 

73.  Asthenopia by Davies 1936 

74.  Optic Nerve Atrophy by Rice  

75.  Headaches by Ruhndorf 1936 

76.  Low Ductions by Miller 1936    

77.  Melancholia With Low Accommodation – – Blur Out Points & Ductions by Salle 1936 

78. Eyes Itch and Burn by Lorenz 1936 # 78 

79.  Milky Cataract by Dr. Rice 1936 

80.  Further Report of Case 2210 (page 54) by Bedynek 1936 

81.  Headache C-1 Type by Lorenz 1936

82.  Asthenopia by Miller 1937 

83.  Gigantic Hordelum by Rice 1937 

84.  Foggy Vision With Diabetes by  Bedynek 1937 

85.  Photophobia Under Artifical Light by Miller 1938 

86.  Chronic Sinusitis by Rice 1938 

87.  Dizziness by Miller 1938 

88.  Glaucoma Causing Opacities by Newhouse 1938   

89.  Difficulty When Reading by Crum 1938

 90.  Hyperphoria by Crum 1938 

 91.  Chalazion by Crum 1938 

 92.  Cataract With Optic Nerve Atrophy by Bedynek 1938



 Color and Form Discrimination In The Periphery Of The Retina 1928  

 LED light between Nobel Prize and Cancer risk factor by Haim 

The Effect of Aluminum Compounds by Royal Lee

 Colors as Catalysts in Enzymatic Reactions

 The Red-Light Treatment of Small-Pox by Niels Finsen


Effects of Color Light and Relaxation Exercise on LD 


Syntonograms  (Listed by subject as organized by Dale Fast, O.D., FCSO)

The SYNTONOGRAM contains case reports, technical articles and reports on various research projects supervised or conducted by the College. 



 1.  Minutes of 1st Meeting of Academyof Optometric Syntonics January 15, 16 1933

2.  Letter from Peter Scholler Jan 12, 1933 

3.  Fundamental Principles of Law Governing the Profession 1934 

4.  Constitution College of Syntonic Optometry Feb. 22, 1934

5.  Purpose Clause of the College Oct 1934  

6.  Plans for Handling Local Academy Programs 

7.  Amendaments to Constitution Sept 1935 


9.  Dear Departed Syntonist April 1936

10.  College Affliliation by Earle Sterzer August 1936

11.  Census April 1940 Bulletin

12.  A Report of Special Educational Committee Sept-Oct 1951 vol. 14 #5

13.  Why Not Syntonic Technicians by L.L. McCormick, O.D. Vol 17, #4 June-July 1954 

14.  Resolutions Proposed by the Nomenclature Committee Vol 20 # 3 May-June 1957 

15. The Secertary has a word January 1937 Bulletin

16.  Articles of Incorporation  

 17.  History of the College  

 18.  United States of America Libelant v. Cameron Spitler Amblyo-Syntonizer 1966 



 1.  The Syntonic Correction of Subnormal Accommodation by Wm. Stieren, Jr., Opt D. Aug. 1936 Vol. 3 #17 

      The Syntonic Correction of Sub-Normal Accommodation by Wm. Stieren, Jr.,   Mar. 1937 Syn. Vol 4 #3  

 2.  Syntonic Procedures indicated by Mayer March 1938  



1.  Two Case Reports of Bilateral Amblyopia by Seilig B. Kousnetz, O.D. July-Aug. 1949

2.  Sequel to Case Reports by Seilig B. Kouneta, O.D. May-June 1950 Vol. 13, #3 

3.   Case Report:  Amblyopia   1936 

4.  Case Report:  Toxic Amblyopia 




Note.  (Nov. 1936) This NEWS Section or Bulletin is sent to all Optometrists who have completed Dr. Spitler’s Basic Course in Syntonics.  Its purpose is to keep you informed of various Syntonic Activities and interest you in further contact with other Syntoniists through the official organization, the College of Syntonic Optometry.

Having taken the course, when you purchase an instrument or Amblyo-Syntonizer, you are eligible to affiliate with the College.  As an affiliate, you would receive this Bullentin as well as the official College monthly publication known as the SYNTONOGRAM.  The SYNTONOGRAM contians casr reports, technical articles and reports on various research projects supervised or conducted by the College.  For further information snd applicstion blanks, address the College at Eaton, Ohio, or the Secretary at Dayton, Ohio.  


1.  That you may know the FACTS January 1936 

2.   The Legal Phase of Syntonic June 1936 

3.  Kindergarten Claims A King June 1938 Bulletin

4.  The Secertary Speaks Nov 1936 

5. The Craze for Craziness January 1937 

6November 1940 Bulletin


                                                        RILEY HAS A WORD


 Riley Has a Word 1934 Great Guns and Little Fishes 

RILEY HAS A WORD July 1934 Vol. 2 N0 5 

Riley Has A Word Vol 2, No. 10 December 1934

Riley Has a Word – Experience Teaches Aug 1936

Riley has a Word December 1936 

Riley Has A Word November 1937 Bulletin

Riley Has A Word April 1938 Bulletin



1.  Some of My Unusual Cases by C.O. Haffner, O.D., M.A.O.S. Jan. 1933

2.  Syntonics in Cataract Cases  by Wing Jan 1933 

3.   Cross-Fire Technique in Cataract by Harry Riley Spitler Oct 1934 Vol 2 #8  

       Discussion on “Cross-Fire” Technique by Horton 1934  

       CROSS-FIRE” TECHNIC FOR OPACITIES, May June July Aug 1958

       DISCUSSION ON “CROSS-FIRE” TECHNIQUE by Horton Sept Oct 1958


5.  Notes From The Director of Education Nov.-Dec. 1948 

 6.  Cataract with Retinitis by Fenton Vol 12 No 3 May -June 1949  

 7.  Case Report “Visual Acuity Improved In Cataract” by F. A. Humphrey, O.D., F.C.S.O. Vol 14 # 5 Sept-Oct 1951  

8.  Lenticular Opacities Associated With Dental Oral Trauma and Orthodontia In The Adolesdent by Doald J. Mayer, PhD., F.C.S.O. Vol 14 #5 Sept-Oct   1951 

9.   Syntonic_Service_No_7_Cataracts_Linked_To_Way_Body_Uses_Sugar 

10.  Glands and Senile Cataract Vol 26 No 1 1963  



 1.  Differentiating Auto-Intoxication of Optometric Significance by Dr. R. E. Simpson       Jan 1936 Vol 3 # 10 



3.  The Enlargement of Normal Blind Spots of Mariotte And Their Reaction Under Syntonics by Dr. Spencer Hannis December 1937   

4.  Syntonic Procedures Indicated by Chromography by Mayer March 1938 

      Syntonic Procedures Indicated by Chromography by Mayer Sept 1940 

      Discussion on Syntonic Procedures Indicated by Chromography by Sterzer April 1938 

5.  Differentiating Toxemias of Optometric Interest and End Reslts Under Syntonics by Russell Simpson Nov 1938 Syntonogram Vol 5, #11 

.   What’s What by T. A. Elmgren Nov 1938 Vol. 5, 11 

7.  Syntonic Principle Applied and Influence on Color Fields by Applying Syntonic Principle 1940

 8.  Chromography and Pyorrhea – October 1940 Vol 7, # 9 

       Chromography and Pyrorrhea – November 1940  Vol 7 # 10 


      ENLARGING VISUAL FIELD AND REDUCING BLIND SPOTS, Continuation by Shurin Jan 1942   


      ENLARGING VISUAL FIELD AND REDUCING BLIND SPOTS, continuation by Shurin March 1942, vol 9, No 3

 10.  CAECANOMETRIC PRACTICE Vol 16 No 1 1953 by Fenton                                                                                                                                                          

 11.   One Case Of The Diagnostic Value of Optometric Color Fields by Miller 1954 



 1.  Contact Lens and Syntonics by F. E. Harrington Vol 22 # 6 Jan-Feb 1959



 1 January 1942 Bulletin 

2.  February 1942 Bulletin .  

4.  October 1942 Bulletin 

5.  Color Blindness by J. H. Lepper Vol 10 No 1 1943 .  

7.  A few Case Reports From The Syntonist’s Office by Roscoe Freitas  Vol 21 # 5  Nov-Dec 1958

9.  Training for Loss of Color Perception by Walter Kimball, O.d. D.O.S.  Vol 23 # 5



1.  Personality Reactions Under Syntonic Optometry by Gallagher Vol 2 No 9 Nov 1934  

2.  The Endocrines by W. I. Davis, O.D. Nov 1935 Vol 3 #8 

3.  Personality -Normal & Abnormal by Preston K. Caye, O.D.  Jan 1939 Vol 6 # 1 ; July 1939 Vol 6 #7; Aug 1939 Vol 6 #8  

4.  Vitamins vs Endocrines by Dr. Hayward L Ludlow Jan 1939 Vol 6 #1; Feb. 1939 Vol 6 #2 

5.  Syntonic Control of the Hypothyroid by Donald J. Mayer Dec 1939 Vol 6 #2 

 6.  Ocular Function as Altered by Endocrine Dysfunction and Suggested Syntonic Handling Resultant Ocular Problems by R.F. Pray Dec 1940 Vol 7 #12  

7.  Flashes April 1941 Bulletin 



 1.  CASE HISTORY OF Mrs. A. by Maynier 1936 

 2.  Syntonic Treatment in Secondary Esotropia by Russell E. Simpson July-Aug 1956 

 3.  Syntonics and Accommodative Rock by Seilig Kousnetz11960 



 1.   Exotropes and Mental Capacity by Babock 1937  

2.  Exotopes and Mental Capacity by J. M. Babcock Aug 1940 Vol 7 # 8 



1.   The Dioptic Effect of UV Vol 13 No 2 May 1935  


3. a. Some Oddities with Mu Upsilon by I.W. Myers May 1936 Vol 3 #14 

3. b.  Discussion of SOME ODDITIES WITH μυ by Nugent May 1936

4. a.  Case Report – For Your Benefit May 1936 


 5.  How Syntonic Frequencies Alter High and Low Analytical Findings As Taught by the Graduate Clinic Foundation by E.C. Scott Nov 1936 Vol 3, #19 

 6.  Some Non-Local Effects of Alpha Omega 1937       

 7.  Case Report April 1937

 8. PHOTOPHOBIA by Dr. Deane June_1937 

 9.  Eye Movement Under Delta and Omega by Youngdahl 1937 

10.   Corectopia, Iridoncus, and Pseudoptosis by Elmgren Jan 1938  Vol 5 No 1   

11.  Bodily Electrical Constants under Alpha Delta and Upsilon Omega February 1938 

14.  Some Observations on Relief of Pain of Ocular Origin by Syntonic Technic by Newton 1938 


21.  Outstanding Case Report by Lyon Oct 1941

22.  TINTS November 1941 Bulletin

   Selected Light Frequencies 

 The Psychological Approach To Senescence Vol 11 No 1 Aug 1947 

 Detachment of the Retina by L. Johnson 



 1.  Eliminating Some Effects of Age on Vision by Russell Simpson March1940 Vol 7 #3 

 2.  The Psychological Approach to Senescence by Caye Aug 1947 

 3.  Problems in Geriatrics Vol 11 No 2 Dec 1947 by Keith Walker, O.D. 

 4.  Geriatrics and the Optometrist Vol 11 No 2 Dec 1947 

 5.   Diminished Visual Acuity as A Problem of visual Geriatrics Vol 11 No 2 Dec 1947 

        Diminished Visual Acuity As A Problem of Visual Geriatrics Vol 11 No 3 Mar April 1948 Vol 11 #3 

 6.   Deficiency Status by Spitler Vol 11 No3 Mar Apr 1948 

 7.  Geriatric Approach to the Menopause by Keith Walker March-April 1948 Vol 11 # 3 

 8.  Disorders of the Alimentary System Relative to Visual Geriatrics by Donald Mayer Mar-Apr 1948 Vol 11, #3 

 9.  Arterio-Sclerosis As A Factor In Occlar Conditions by Russell Simpson Aug 1948 Vol 11 #5 

10.  The Liver and Biliary Passages in Visual Geriatrics Vol 11 No 5 July-Aug 1948

11.  Visual Normalization in Maturity Sept-Oct Vol 12 No 5 1949 by Donald Mayer 

       Visual Normalization in Maturity    Vol 12 No 6 Nov-Dec 1949 

                                                                 Jan-Feb 1950 Vol 13 #1    

       Visual Normalization in Maturity    March-April Vol 13 No 2 1950 

12.  Further Neuro Psychological Aspects in Visual Geriatrics by Mayer May-June 1951 

13.  Correlation of Visual & Nutritional Problems in the Geriatric Patient by Jack Warken Vol 14, #4 July-Aug 1951 

14.  A Direct Approach to Some Geriatric and Pregeriatric Visual Problems by A.R. Voig Vol 15 # 6 Sept 1952

15.  Case Reports by D. L. G The Forum Vol 17 # 3 Apr 1954 

16.  Geriatrics by Russell Simpson Vol 19 #1 Jan-Feb 1956 

17.  The Modern Case of Hemorrhagic Retinitis by Simpson Vol 20 #1 Jan-Feb 1957 

18.  Case Report by Guy Fenton Vol 20 #2, Mar-Apr 1957 

 19.  Retinal Degeneration by Guy Fenton Vol 20 # 3 May-June 1957 

 20.  Problems In Geriatrics by Russell Simpson Vol 21 # 5 Nov-Dec 1958 

 21.  Geriatrics and the Optometrics by Russell E. Simpson Vol 21 # 5 Nov-Dec 1958 

 22.  Arterio-Sclerosis As a Factor In Ocular Conditions Vol 11 No 5 Aug 1948 

 23.  “Some Interesting Cases” by Russell Simpson Vol 23 # 4 July-Aug 1960




Iridiagnosis by Elmgren 1941




 1.  Legal Department by O.H. Waeerga, LL.B. July 1935 Vol 3 #4 

 2.  The Legal Phase of Syntonics June Bulletin1936 



1.  Case History by E. C. Scott Jan-Feb 1949 Vol 12 #1 

2.  Headache Key In Self Vol 12, No 1 1949 

3.   RELIEF OF PAIN WITH SYNTONICS by Newton vol 12 no 6 1949

4.  Case Report “Migraine Headache: by Seilig Kousnetz Jan-Feb 1950 Vol 13 # 1 

 5.  FROM THE SECRETARY’S DESK Vol 15, No 1 1952 – Migraine

 6.  Is Migraine an Optometric Problem 1953 

 7.  Further Consideration of Migraine by W.L. Davis Vol 16 # 3 1953  

 8.   Headache – Headache Gone Vol 18 No 1 Jan 1955  

9.  THE VISUAL PATTERN IN MIGRAINE by E. C. Scott November-December 1955

10.  Tension Type Headaches by Gallagher Vol 19, No 3 1956  


12.  Forum Vol 22 March-April 1955 

13.  Another Migraine Case March-April 1959



 1.  Correcting_Delayed_Effects_of_Mumps_on_Ocular_Muscles_Vol_2_No_3_1934  

 2.  Consensual Support of Visual Acuity by J.O. Nugent Vol 2 # 4 May 1934  

       Discussion of Consensual Support of Visual Acuity by Browett 1934  

 3.  Sensible Aggression by Dr. Earle Sterzer July 1934  

 4.  “Objection-Reflection-Ejection” by . L. Cassell Aug 1934 

 5.  A study in Neurosis of Ocular Origin by Earl Sterze July 1934 

 6.  A Study of Coordinated Muscular Actions That Would Be Partly Unconscious and Partly Conscious by O. J. Melvin June 1935 Vol 3 #3  

      A Study of Coordinated Muscular Actions That Would Be Partly Unconscious and Partly Conscious by O. J. Melvin  July 1937 Vol 4 # 7 

 7.  Handling Patients by Dr. Dan Galivin, O.D. March 1936 Vol 3 # 12  

 8.  WHAT CIVILIZATION HAS DONE FOR MAN by Kaplan 1936 (June)    

  9.  The Effects of Light Frequency on Power of Skeletal Muscule Rection by Dr. Max McKay July 1937 Vol 4 # 7  

10.  Some Ophthalmic Obervations of Anemia and Hypotension by Dr R. T. Gardner  Aug 1938 Vol 5 # 8  

11.  The Problem of the Slow Reader by Dr Keith Walker Sept 1938 Vol 5 #9  

12.  Cicatrix Following Posterior Synechia by Dr L. A. Johnson June 1939 Vol 6 # 6   

13.  A Syntonic Theory of Increased Intraocular Tension by Donald Harpham  June 1939  Vol 6 # 6  

14.  Our Eyes From Fish To Man by M. M. Dalton, O.D. November 1939 Vol 6 # 11  

15.  December 1940 Bulletin  

16.  The Eyes Have It by Paul Johnson Nov 1941 Vol 8 & 11  

17.  Adjusting Your Nerves to War by Robert M Yoder June 1942  

18.  From The Editor Sept-Oct 1948  

19.  Here Is How To Tell Exactly Which Lens To RS When OEP Says RX Not Under Plus One And Not Over Plus 1.25 by W. I. Davis, O.D, FCSO  Nov-Dec             1948 Vol 11 # 7  

20.  Functional Degeneration of the Central Fibers of the Optic Nerve by Simpson Vol 12, No 1949

21.  TRAUMATIC HYPHEMIA by Shurin Vol 12 & 1 Jan Feb 1949

22.  Ordinary Light May Be Antidote For Radiation by Henry March-April 1949

23.    TENTION CLUE IN BLOOD Mar Apr 1949 Vol 12, No 2

24.  RETINAL ARTERIO-SCLEROSIS by Simpson 1950, Vol 13, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1950 Issue



29.  Diet is Major Factor in Polio Prevention by Dr. Davis Sept 1952


32.  Diagnosis and Syntonic Therapy  Vol 17 No. 6 Oct-Nov 1954

34.  X-Ray Excerpt from Paul Harvey Dec 2 1956

35. TYPES AND TEMPERAMENTS by McCormick 1958

36.  The Forum Mar Apr 1958  (contains questions about cataracts)

38.  A New theory on Light or The Sun and How it Affects Life by Roy Keller, Scientist Vol 22 No 3 May-June 1959

40.  Rambling Suggestions for The Beginner by Scott 1960

41.   SUBJECTS FOR INVESTIGATION vol 24 No 1 1961 by Sterzer

42.  How Do You Sell Syntonics To Your Patients , The Forum Sept-Oct 1960


  Corneal Scar by Elmgren 1938 

  Differentiating Toxemias of Optometric Interest -November 1938 


   What’s What November 1938 

  Syntonic Service No 7 Scientists Discovers Way to Predict Your Life Span 

  Syntonic Service No 7 Peculiar To Man 

  Syntonic Service No 7 Human and Planet Life Chemically Related



 1.  What Was It?  by T.A.W. Elmgren  Dec 38 Vol 5 #12 

 2.  Functional Myopia Preliminary Report of Five Cases by Dr. M.M Dalton Oct 1939 Syntonogram Vol 6 # 10 

 3.   CASE REPORTS – MYOPIA by Hagenah May-June 1948

 4.  Some Observations on the Reduction of High Myopia Via Visual Traiing by W.I. Davis, O.D. FCSO  Jan-Feb 1949 Syntonogram Vol 11, # 6  

 5.  Syntonics in Myopia by Kousnetz 1952  

6.  Case Report Pseudo Myopia by Seiling Kousnetz Mar-Apr 1950  

7.  The Challenge of Myopia by Scott 1952   

 8.   Some Thoughts on the Possible Control of Myopia by Voight 1952 

 9.  Syntonics In Myopia by Selig Kousnetz, June 1952 Vol 15 # 3 

10.  Four Case Histories by Preston Kline Cays, Paril 1954 Vol 17 No. 3 

11.  A Coincidence, Maybe by L.L. McCormick, O.D. Vol 17 # 5 Aug-Sept. 1954 

12.  Prevention and Control of Myopia by Dr. Kousnetz Vol 18 # 2 Mar-April 1955 

13.  Case Reports Myopia Vol 22 # 6 Nov-Dec 1959

14.  Forum   Vol 24 # 2 Mar-April 1961  

15.  A Case Report Vol 24 # 6 Novase Report-Dec 1961   




 1.  Monocular Nascentizing by P. Scholler , D. O. S. Aug 1934 

 2.  N/L Nascentization by Dr. W. I. Davis Feb 1939 

 3.  Progress Report of Studies in Monocular Nascentization by Louis W. Palm, O>D. Dec 1935 Syntonogram Vol 3 # 9  

 4.  The Forum  Vol 19 # 2 Mar-April 1956  

  5.  The Forum  Vol 24 # 1 Jan-Feb 1961


 1.   Possible Effects of Magnesium Sulfate Upon the Eyes by Brown Sept 1934  


3. Visual Adaptations in Relation To The Biophotometer by Rockwell 1940

4.  Mineral Requirements in Health by Caye Vol 13 No 4 July-Aug 1950 

5.   Vitamin B. Complex vol 16 no 3 page 3 1953

6.   Coronary Nutrition Vol 18 & No 6 Nov-Dec 1955



9.  REMARKS BY THE DIRECTORY OF EDUCATION vol 21 No 1 Jan Feb 1958 – Nutrition



 1.    TREATISE ON NYSTAGMUS by Elmgren Jan 1940

 2. Discussion of Treatise on Nystagmus by Walters Vol 7 No 1 1940  

 3.  Nystagmus and Amblyopia by Michel 1934 

 4.  Visual Training Used To Improve Nystagmus Eyes by Michel 1963 

 5.  Amblyopia Esotropia Nystagmus by Michel 1967


1.  RELIEF OF PAIN WITH SYNTONICS by Newton vol 12 no 6 1949



1.  The Control of Pterygium Through The Application of The Syntonic Principle Vol 13 No 6 1950

2.  THE FORUM – Pterygium



 1. Syntonics Before Each Refraction by Dr.Kaplan Jan 1933 

 2.  Scientific Appeal of Syntonics by Dr. Horton Jan 1933 

 3.  How I find Syntonics useful by Dr. Crawford Jan 1933  

 4.  Some Things I have been doing with Syntonics Dr. Elliot 

 5.  Philosophical Appeal of Syntonics by Dr. Cassell 1939 

 6.  Selling Syntonics by Dr. Zettel 

7.   Personality Reactions Under Syntonic Optometry by Gallagher 1934

 8.  Subjects For Investigation by Dr. Gallaher 

 9.  Some Cases I have Seen by Dr. Brown  

 10.  Statistical Effectivity of Syntonics by College 1934  

11  Riley Has A Word July 1934

12.  How_Best_To_Build_A_Practice_In_Syntonic_Optomometry_1934 

13.  Motion Combined with Syntonics by Dr Humphrey Dec 1934 

14.   Neurology_of_Syntonics_vol_2_No_11_January_1935 

15.  “Is Syntonics A Holdup” editorial Feb 1935

16.  The Evolution of the Visible Apparatus by Horton Feb 1935 

17.  Presidents Address by Scholler April 1935 

 18.  Excerpts May 35 

 19.  Riley Has A Bomshell  June 35  

 20.   Trends Toward The Syntonic Principle 1935 by Cameron 

 21.  Balancing the Budget by Dr. Humphrey Oct 1935 

22.  Presidents message Nov 1935 

 23.  History of Development of Syntonics Facts by Dr. Sterzer 1936 

 24.  Syntonics_Through_The_Ages_by_Gallagher_Vol_13_No_13_April_1936 

 25.  Riley Has A Word July 1936  

 26.  Keep Syntonics As Syntonics by Spitler Sept 1936   

 27.  TELLING WHAT SYNTONICS IS 1936   Inverview with Spitler 

 28.  Syntonic Optometry by Spilter Sept 1936  

 29.   ORTHOPTIC SYNTONIC TECHNIQUE AND CASE REPORT by Humphrey September 1936 Vol 3 No 18 

30.  The President Speaks Jan 1937 31.  “Guilding The Lily” April 1937 bulletin  

32.  Further Advances Toward The syntonic Principle by Spitler Sept 1937 & May 1938 

33.    Hold The Fort October 1937 Bulletin

34.  The Clinic at the College November 1937 Bulletin  

35.  Minimum Routine For Case Reports of Patients Vol 3 # 19  

36.  Who Imitated Whom and What February 1938 Bulletin 

37.  Syntonic Frequencies As Determined by B.M.R by Dr Mann Sept 39 Vol 6 # 9 

38.  The Effectivity of The Syntonic Technique in Optometry by Dr Caye  Feb 1940  Vol 6 # 2  

 39.  Bulletins 1940  

 40.  Syntonic Optometry Renewal of Faith by Dr. Spitler Jan 1941 

 41.  AN_EVALUATION_OF_SYNTONICS_February_ 1941 


 43.  Preface To The Syntonic Principle June 1941  

 44.  To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question May 1941  

 45.  SYNTONICS AND METEROLOGY by Smejkal 1941  

         The Hippocratic Approach 1941

47.  Spectral Quality of Light by Elmgren Oct 1941  Spectral Quality Experiment by Elmgren 1941

50.  Syntonics and Optometry by Spigel Dec 1948  

52.  Normalizing patterns of Visual Dysfunction by Syntonic Applications by Dr. Scott Jan-Feb 1951  

53. Syntonic Procedures in Reconditioning Psycho-Emotional Disturbances of Vision by Kousnetz 1951  

54. The Syntonometer by Spitler Jan 1954  

55.  Syntonics and Vision Training in Anisekonia by Kousnetz March 1954 

57.  The Forum January 1955 – Can Syntonics do Harm

58.  WHY SYNTONICS WORKS by Jenkins 1955  

60.  The Future of Syntonic Optometry by Scott July Aug 1959

61.  Faulty Diagnoses Leading to Failure of Syntonics by Simpson 1959

   A Philosophical Approach to Syntonics by Bensar 1959 

63.   The_Philosopical_Appeal_Of_Syntonic_II by Dr. Cassell  

64.  SYNTONIC OPTOMETRY by Spigel 1960

65.  SYNTONICS BEFORE EACH REFRACTION by Kaplan 1933  Reprint Oct 1960  

66.  SYNTONIC THERAPY by Caye 1960 

 67.  Riley Has a Word Jan Feb 1961 Ophthalmology is getting into the field of light frequencies

 68.  One Reason Why I Believe in Syntonics Dr Jenkins Oct 1961 

 Syndrome of Blue Sclera by Elmgren 1941

How Do You Sell Syntonics To Your Patients, The Forum Sept-Oct 1960


 Attention All Syntoncs Nov 18, 1971  

 Further Trends Toward The Syntonic Principle May 1938 by Cameron


 Visual Fields

  A Study of Tubular and Spiral Central Fields in Hysteria by Eames 

 Drug Toxicity and Visual Fields by Applebaum 

 Historical Summary of Visual Fields Methods by Griffin 

Outline of Bromach by Gottlieb  


Visual Fields by Webb Oct thru Dec 1940  

 Visual Fields by Webb Jan 1941  

Visual Fields by Webb Feb 1941  

Visual Fields by Webb March 1941  

Visual Fields by Webb April 1941   

VisualFields by Webb May 1941  

Vsual Fields by Webb June July 1941  

Visual Fields by Web Aug 1941  

Visual Fields by Webb Sept 1941  

Visual Fields by Webb Oct Nov 1941  

 Visual Fileds by Webb Dec 1941  

 Visual Fields by Webb Aug thru Nov 1942  

Visual Fields by Webb Dec 1942  

  Visual Fields by Webb Jan 1943 


  Visual Color Fields 

Color Fields in Syntonics by Wallace 

Color Visual Fields by Brombach First Installment 

Color Visual Fields by Brombach Second Installment 

 Color Visual Fields by Brombach Third Installment 

 Color Visual Fields by Brombach Fourth Installment 

 Interpretation of Color Visual Fields by Mendelsohm 

 Color and form Discrimination in the Periphery of the Retina 1928 

 One Case of the Diagnostic Value of Optometric Color Fields by Miller 1954 


 Visual Science 

 A Summary of the 1939-40 Papers on the Psychology of Vision by Renshaw 

 After Image by Renshaw 

 Color Phenomena by Renshaw Vol 2 No 6 March 1941 

 Color Phenomena vy Renshaw Vol 2 No. 7 April 1941 

 llusion by Renshaw 

 Reading As a Special Case of Perception by Renshaw Vol 1 No 9 June 1940 

 Retinal or Binocular Rivalry by Renshaw Vol 12 No 3 Dec 1940 

 Seeing as A Habit by Renshaw 

 Seeing As Visual Perception by Renshaw Vol 1 No 10 March 1940 

 Seeing As Visual Perception II by Renshaw Vol 1 No 7 April 1940 

 Some Considerations Regarding the Visual Stimulus by Renshaw 

 Some Further Considerations Regarding the Visual Stimulus by Renshaw 

 Stereopsis II by Renshaw Vol 2 Nov 12 Sept 1941 

 Tachistosopic Studies by Renshaw Vol 1 No 8 May 1940 

 The Skin by Renshaw Vol 2 No 9 June 1941 

 The Visual Third Dimension by Renshaw Vol 2 No 10 July 1940 

 The Measurement of Nyctopsis by Renshaw Vol 2, No 4 Jan 1941 

 Training to Percieve Part I by Renshaw Vol 1 No 11 Aug 1940 

 Training to Percieve  Part II by Renshaw Vol 3 No 12 Sept 1940 

 Visual Contrast by Renshaw Vol 2 No 5 Feb 1941